
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Psalm 16:11 says, "Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." 

 In my years of walking with the Lord I have learned  a lot about people and life. There are some people that will never like you only see the bad in you no matter how hard you try to show only the good. Then there are the ones who just out and out use you for their own selfish gain. What is the hardest for me to deal with is the phoniness of the ones who profess to be Christians and talk about how they love as Christ loved (gag me with a spoon). They will cut you down in a heartbeat.

I have also learned that demons can and will influence Christians to do or say something bad about another one the Bible tells us to know the enemy and his schemes. The biggest weapon the devil uses is emotions having our feelings hurt is how animosity creeps in and will render us useless in the Kingdom we take our eyes off God and begin to focus on an offense of another brother or sister.

Being a woman of prayer I encounter hurt feelings quite often because the devil does not want me to bind the strongman and take his possessions back to God. So I spend a lot of time crying I never try to repay a hurt with another hurt words are powerful and God will hold us all accountable for our words and actions towards other believers. When someone hurts me I run to my prayer closet and Cry out ABBA Father!

The Lord told me do not render evil with evil overcome evil with good.. So I celebrate the ones who hurt me and make me feel so insecure and that I am worthless then my Daddy picks me up and loves on me and tells me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am more than a conqueror and that I sit in heavenly places. I am the head and not the tail blessed going in and blessed coming out. I can't wait for someone to treat me mean so I can hear my Jesus brag on me... There is nothing like feeling the peace of God that passes all understanding. Choose to love instead of hate I know it is hard sometimes because there are quite a few people who can be unlovable BUT Love covers a multitude of sins..


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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.