
Friday, March 30, 2012


Isaiah 40:11
He shall feed His flock like a shepherd: He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.  

What a awesome God I serve I love it when he just shows up out of the blue to speak what is on his heart to me.. I often say to him " Lord who is man that you are mindful of him"? As I was just sitting listening to a song and just meditating on the Lord and his goodness he began to show me in the spirit.

I Could see him and a angel walking up an old country back dirt road just a dirt road cut through the land. They were just walking and talking back and forth to each other this angel looked just like a man but had huge wings which covered his whole backside. In between them was a sheep male or female I don't know but the Lord had the sheep on a LEASH! Apparently this sheep was hard headed and would not listen so the Lord had him under his control (so awesome)

As they walked and talked the Lord would laugh and a mouth full of shining white teeth just illuminated from his face. He has such an infectious laugh and so full of love and joy and it was as though I was following behind them and he looked back over his shoulder at me and smiled this joyous smile at me and went back to talking to this angel he held the leash to the sheep so sternly but lovingly the sheep walked right along with them never trying to move away from them.

I wondered what they were talking about and again he looked over his shoulder at me and smiled that beautiful smile and went right back into his conversation. Oh How I Love Him!! IN his presence is joy forevermore... Even in times of correction when he has to spank us it is out of love for us his children he wants the very best for us. I could not take my eyes off him I was following my shepherd.

One last time he looked over his shoulder and smiled that wonderful smile and motioned with his arm "Come On He Yelled Back To Me I Will Wait For You" he called words cannot express the joy that I felt knowing that just up ahead of me is LOVE waiting  what does all this mean? not sure of it all yet but I know one thing  one day I will stand face to face with HIM and tell him just how much I Love Him and bow at his feet. I found a love greater than anything ever!! As I looked at him he is my father and my mother, my brother and my sister my husband MY EVERYTHING!! We find all that we need in HIM and he is waiting for me to walk with him.

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.