
Monday, March 26, 2012


Matthew 15:7-9
7 You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:

   8 “‘These people honor me with their lips,
   but their hearts are far from me.
9 They worship me in vain;
   their teachings are merely human rules.

I have had this word in my spirit  few days waiting on the unction of the Holy Spirit to write about it.
as we enter in the last days a time where we as the bride of Christ should be making ourselves that spotless bride the one without blemish. So many are wearing masks or two faces I should say I hear the Holy Spirit saying it is time to GET Real BE REAL!! There are so many masked people sitting in church that it is unreal they have on their Sunday mask which gets taken off after the evening service this is the face that stands and shouts and praises God runs the aisles whatever a christian is suppose to do at church.

Come Monday morning the other face comes on the one who is on the phone gossiping and bite backing everyone from church yesterday. This face will curse on a dime and lie and cheat and steal but yet they are saved by grace seems totally unfair but God is a loving and merciful God. I am a watcher and a listener you can learn so much from just being quiet and watching. The Holy Spirit has to be grieved by such falseness and  man trying to place the glory on themselves rather than on God. God says "I am a jealous God put no other gods before me" If we are not careful we make IDOLS that whether intentional or not we place them before God that could a relationship our job or doing things in our own strength. Anything that takes your focus from the things of God can become an idol in your life. Ask the Lord what you have in your life that needs to take the back seat to him he will tell you.

If you have ever pitched a tent in Lowdebar  (place of barreness brokenness) you will quickly see how you really look.while you are thinking you re all that and a bag of chips God says...

Revelation 3:17
You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

I got off track some but the Holy Spirit said what to put so he is my editor lol I find it amusing to sit even on these social sites and watch and read all the things people put on them. I chuckle at the ones who are sending out these sayings that they are a prophet and so on and so on and I have to say if you are an anointed man or woman of God prophet or whatever you don't go around proclaiming you a prophet that shows that you are probably not called to that office get real be real.. God will exalt you we never have to exalt our self the anointing shows forth from us. (our call in the Lord) God brings low those that toot their own horns so to speak. Alot of times the words they send out is to someone who is in higher authority in the Lord than they are a jealous spirit and they will never take correction because they know and have it all self sufficient  IDOL but the other brother or sister is wrong!!

People change their faces so often they forget what mask they are wearing. I can honestly say I have on the mask of the Lord and it never comes off..sometimes I think a very pretty mask would be fun to wear because then I could catch Boaz lol What so many forget to think about is when we ALL stand before the Lord he is going to show us everything we did on this earth good and bad  will he see what we did was all for his GLORY or for our own? I want jewels in my crown to lay at his feet and I can say Lord I did it unto you....

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.