
Saturday, March 17, 2012


Mathew 7:15-16

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?

Looking around in Christendom today what I see sickens me and it has to grieve the Holy Spirit and I often asked the Lord why he permits all the mayhem under the circus tent?He explained it this way to me even though the messenger may be scruffy and in need of a major over haul (spiritual) His message his word still goes forth that is why so many preachers still preach powerfully and have secret sins in their lives it has nothing to do with them it is the life in God's word! We can judge any preacher OR anyone who is speaking forth God's word "YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS"

 Mathew 22:14
For many are called, but few are chosen.

The minute someone opens their mouth I can general discern if they are God chosen or mama called..We all have times of learning and studying to show ourselves approved BEFORE GOD..Any man woman that says well God will fill my mouth with a sermon is full of mud..He may give you the first sentence and then you are on your own believe me. I went to a church one time and this Pastor would let this young man preach and it was painful to sit for an hour and listen to this man ramble and make no sense. He would walk back and forth repeating the same thing over and over. I said one time to the Lord..PLEASE I beg of you put me to sleep till he is finished. needless to say he let me be tortured lol. later through the church grapevine or (gossiper) we all have one you know the one who is friends with the Pastors wife who tells her everything they hear..=) and the wife goes to the Pastor to keep him informed..All to the glory of God hahah...

Come to find out this man preaching was the son in law of a family in that church who gave a lot of money in that Pastors ministry eventually the man decided he was not called to preach so he played the drums instead Thank You Jesus..My point is this and my text any man or woman who stands to preach teach have they spent time with the Lord fasting, praying and asking for what God wants to say to his people anyone knows when the Holy Spirit shows up in and through that minister. What it all boils down to when the sermon is over did anyone get saved, did anyone get a healing where devils cast out? If you do not see any of this happening in ANY man or woman something is not right.. BE WARNED!!

There are a lot of religious spirits preaching in pulpits spreading fear in the hearts of the people and I have struggled with that until the Lord showed me that these men and women are just as or more so deceived than the deception they are speaking. My prayer is Open their eyes of understanding..Early in my walk with the Lord we attended a church where the Pastor was as big a round as he was tall and he held that church hostage he would stand behind the pulpit and bang his fist and say "You did not vote me in and you will not vote me out" That was a dead church the Holy Spirit departed it never grew he held a revival one time and the evangelist needed revived lol  There was that ministers fruit NOTHING!

So if no fruit is being produced by ANYONE saying they are a MINISTER be assured God has not called  sent them and if they are preaching,teaching the same thing over and over having no prayer times in the service or having a altar call, ministry time something is terribly wrong And they are speaking fear then I would suggest go to a real church where a real man or woman of God is in the pulpit under the unction of The Holy Spirit.. I saw a woman last week give a altar call and 42 people got saved. Be cautious of people who have to go out of their way to say they are a prophet of God you will know them by their fruit does anything come to pass they are prophesying if someone has to sound their own horn you better believe God is not in it.. My Bible says when I humble myself under the mighty arm of the Lord he will exalt me when it is my appointed time.Lets wait on God!

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.