
Monday, December 19, 2011

Under His Wings

Deuteronomy 33:37
The eternal God is thy Refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

This time of year people are busy with families and shopping getting things just right in their homes ready for the big day Christmas. Sadly during this time of year or season people even Christians forget the reason for the season getting caught up in all the activities. But my heart breaks for all the ones who have nothing or no one to share even Christmas day with how often I sit and weep before the Lord praying in his mercy he will send them someone to love them even if he has to send his angels.

The Lord has just been speaking so profoundly in my life and his presence so close and so precious to me I live in my secret place where I know he is always waiting with open arms to listen to the yearnings of my heart. Coming out of the worst season of my life I have found in his presence is where I want and long to be..Going through the fire we often feel we will die before we pass through it but he us covered in the shadows of his wings.. I thought this morning I know how Job must have felt and all I need is the boils lol  The word says..

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;

These trials and testings lonely places happen for reason to make us grow and trust in him they will not last forever we need to be thankful for the low times. I am so much more closer to the Lord right now than ever before he has revealed himself so strong to me and that is what I desire more than anything is to know HIM!!

Psalm 18:2
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

 I listened to a woman preach a sermon yesterday who prophesied the very thing the Lord has been speaking to me it just knocks my socks still after all the years to hear someone preach just what he has been showing me in the spirit realm. She said that to SING means to let out a sound does not necessarily mean singing literally just let out a cry or noise.The Lord has been just leading me to music to songs I have never heard of and to hear them just blows me away because he has so been speaking to me from them I know we are moving into refreshing times in the Lord the latter rain has begun but just a slow trickle of what is headed to the world. And I say say LET IT RAIN!! I want a flood of that rain.


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