
Friday, December 23, 2011


Luke 1:37
For nothing is impossible with God."

I wish I had something fabulous and amusing to say.. Words escape me at the moment waiting on God is the worst times BUT.. also a tremendous time of blessings if that makes sense it does to my simple mind. I have been sitting a black hole for going on six months now waiting on the Lord to move in my life for some things I have asked him to do. At the very beginning he asked me "Will You Tarry With Me"? I said yes HA! he was not kidding.

I was sitting in my secret place and I mean I  was crying and snotting and complaining asking Why Me? I can't remember all I was saying but it was all complaints of being left in this black hole no one loves me blah blah blah. And suddenly the Lord speaks in the midst of all my complaining and just busts me good!!

"Is ANYTHING to hard for me" he asked I shut right up and answered NO and his peace just covered me like a blanket how I Love Jesus!! All he has to do is speak just a sentence to calm any storm in the life of his children we seem to forget that he is right with us while we face our storms and walks with us through the flames of hard testing times.

It is when I let go of his hand that I see the winds raging and the sea crashing around me. He is faithful that promised that He will go with me even until the end of the world. That alone gives me the courage and the strength to keep waiting on him.

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.