
Saturday, December 17, 2011


Mark 5:25-29

25 And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. 26 She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. 27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” 29 Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.

I love this woman's testimony and never get tired of reading it this is what I call audacious faith. She had perfect revelation of who her healer was and did not let fear of man stop her from touching him. She was going to receive her healing even if it meant her dying to receive it. I believe that fear is the number one reason people do not receive healing satan is there at the second that healing comes to steal it. How often have I prayed for been in meeting where God through the word of knowledge calls people out to specially heal them and they anxiously receive it but by the time they get back to their seat satan has robbed them of it.

My Testimony.

As I share this I will leave out all the gory details give enough just so you know. back in 1992 I suddenly began to bleed  just out of no where just like this woman and it progressively got worse and at some point I went to my Doctor and she told me Debra there is no way you could bleed like you say you are and live but I was. At the time I was a housewife and my husband's job did not offer medical insurance. So we prayed for my healing. That is so personal of a issue that women never ask for prayer.

This went on for three years and would be bad at times but I was trusting God making this as short as possible I did get weak in faith and went to a Doctor again and the flow was so bad that as he was examining me blood was flowing down the table he looked at me and I will never forget this as long as I live he said I needed treatment at the hospital and then he asked you have medical insurance? When I said no he blatantly told me get insurance or just deal with it I was so humiliated and thought that is what you get for putting hope in man.

There is so much to this testimony this was a hard testing time and YES I got weak many times in my faith but God knows our weakness and is touched by our infinities (weakness) All I had at the time was to trust in God and my healing finally came in a miraculous way and it was not a instantaneous healing. It was a Saturday and the bleeding was so bad and I was at the point of despair and  ready to quit believing and felt so prayed out. So I said to God I have believed all this time for a healing SO now Lord either heal me or I will be seeing you shortly and I went to bed fully convinced I would not wake up the next day. told my husband I loved him and went to sleep and to my amazement I did wake up the next morning and during the night I had bled and passed blood clots as large as my hand as I walked to the bathroom my husband went behind me picking them up from the floor.

My lips were white from the blood loss and I was so weak BUT the bleeding had stopped PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME.. That was the beginning of my healing during the three years my husband had gotten promoted on his job was in management and from where he could not get health insurance in one week he was given insurance which lead to my hysterectomy God knew I did not want to deal with having my cycle every month after all I had went through so he opened the door to surgery. he gives us what we want when we trust in him but it is hard to trust at times when the winds are raging so whatever you maybe believing him for do not give up he is testing your faith and trust in him..


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