
Friday, October 11, 2013

Teach Us

“Older women likewise are to be… teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored” (Titus 2:3-5)

Where are the mothers and the fathers in the church?  Today the pews are full of "Do what you want to do Gods grace will  allow you to do as you please and still make it to heaven" Back in the day the mothers and fathers would call you out and shut your mouth and then sit you down. But now no one wants to offend anyone GOD HELP US ALL.. I remember when my Pastor would be preaching and stop mid sentence and call out the children who were being disruptive or leaving to go to the bathroom..I even remember a pastor who turned off the water cooler to keep them from running in and out

I  am totally old school when you go to church you should wear the best thing that you have even if it is jeans wear the best pair you have it is called HONORING GOD.. He knows that they maybe the best thing you have to wear and do not get me wrong God does not care what you wear to church or where you attend church as long as Jesus is being preached,Jesus said "IF I BE LIFTED UP I WILL DRAW ALL MEN UNTO MYSELF" Not the latest Evangelist or worship team the Lord needs no help in ministry.

Being now a old girl it is my responsibility to teach the younger women in the faith BUT they have to have a teachable spirit and want to learn how to be pleasing to God first then husbands and children. Most women have their priorities mixed up they have the children first the husband and last is God. should not be so. I always told my husband that  I loved him but I loved God more he felt the same as I did.GOD IS FIRST!!

Teaching should always be done in love and not judgmental because we all have had to learn and fallen short of the glory of God at times.. You can only minister or teach from places that you have bled from if you have never been hungry or penniless how can you minister from where you do not know anything about or  experienced that pain and need? How could I teach anyone how to dress to come to church if I am throwing on whatever it looks like.or how inappropriate it is for church. I have seen some some come to church in what they would wear to the club. But you always show love when you fall in love with Jesus you automatically want to change everything about yourself.

Not long ago a friend on Facebook who professes to be  christian. I went to her profile one day and noticed a picture she had commented on she was rebuking men from saying things she felt was disrespectful. She in fact said they were making her uncomfortable to please stop. I left her page and came back to it about 30 minutes later and my jaw dropped. She had taken some pictures of herself wearing a very skimpy night gown and posted them. I could not believe she had done that after the speech she had just given those men.. Now would any other woman take her seriously if she wanted to teach on morals? To me that is what I call talking out of both sides of your mouth. The Lord tells us " Be ye holy for I am Holy"

Lord help us to always discern what is right
to have teachable spirits no matter how long
we have walked with you. To always have you
first in our lives. I Love You Lord with all That
I am may our  lives  be a sweet smelling aroma coming
to your throne..


1 comment:

  1. Hi Debra! Love the new look here!

    We all should be hoping to live lives that are in synch with our Spirit, but we often fail. I like that you point out we should not be judgmental, but lead by example.

    I also get dressed up for Church. I think I would be in the minority. But that's ok, God loves us all. And I can be that silent witness too.

    Blessings my friend!


 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.