
Saturday, September 21, 2013

The River

John 4:14
 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life

Everyone is talking about the coming World War 3 but me I m waiting on Revival that will engulf the whole earth with HIS glory! The world will not end nor will Jesus return UNTIL the last boy girl man woman be told about the salvation of the Lord and given the chance to repent and be born again..All the kingdom now people who do not believe in the rapture of the church my suggestion to you is if you want to stay here then do so but me I m on the clouds meeting my Lord when that trumpet blasts...

Being a strong  prophetic intercessor I often feel the burden of the Lords heart which often is over whelming and right now his  heart is moved by children. He is going to bring a out pouring on the children and they will prophesy. When he began to show me children he showed me children in Africa. who live in remote villages in the worst poverty one could ever imagine. not long ago as I was in my secret place in worship and prayer  and saw in a vision of the Lord .

I stood beside him in a wooden boat just large enough for us to stand  and we were sitting in a small dry river bed in a jungle and on both sides of this jungle were  holes cut through the trees that opened to the other side into a village  just as a door to a house. They were lined together down each sides of the boat it looked like townhouses but it was the jungle with heavy bush and trees.I stood looking at the Lord he was looking straight ahead down through the dry river bed and he had such  look of determination on his face he never looked at me or said anything.I looked to my right and at the first opening into the jungle (the door) I could see children looking at us and a well of water would spring up into the river bed and the boat would move along to the next opening.

I could see the water springing up from the ground bubbling and rising at each opening I could see children staring back and the water would gush up  soon the river was full of water and the boat was picking up speed  heading down through the jungle. I could see water in this river for miles and miles. The Lord is visiting these villages and  REVIVAL will come to these children. In HIS great love and mercy he invites  everyone to come to these waters and drink it does not cost  thing. I tell the Lord all the time whatever you are doing do not do it without me I will go where you go!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Debra! Wow, what a vision you had...and such good news too! That he will send his people to the corners of the earth to inform and teach about life with him. And you were with him, just as you prayed you would be.

    I am sure this was such a powerful message for you. And filled with so much hope. I pray that I will always be open to his love and mercy so I can drink without cost too.

    Thank you for your visit to the blog! It was good to see you again :)


 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.