
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Shekinah Glory

2 Chronicles 5:11-14

 11 The priests then withdrew from the Holy Place. All the priests who were there had consecrated themselves, regardless of their divisions. 12 All the Levites who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives—stood on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets. 13 The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang:

   “He is good;
   his love endures forever.”

   Then the temple of the LORD was filled with the cloud, 14 and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the temple of God.

I have been feeling in my spirit for a few months now that the next great move of God REVIVAL is gonna spring out of Tampa Florida and it will be a major mighty move of God.But before any move of God takes place anywhere a spirit of HOLINESS has to come and fill the hearts of the people the Pastors' etc..God cannot and will not move where there are unclean hands and hearts. Revival has to begin within our own hearts and then spread outward into the church then the communities and then to  the nations.

Where God is free to abide and no limitations placed upon him then the GLORY will fall.. When we confess his goodness and his mercy and grace HE always shows up and shows out!! He loves to hear about his goodness!! In this passage we see where the priest joined with the praise team just worshiping God look what happened he showed up  and the Shekinah Glory  filled the temple so thick that no one could stand up in his presence. I have been in meetings where the presence of God was so powerful it was hard to stand this nation needs a move of God I think the next big move will help usher in the coming of the Lord to rapture the church HOW AWESOME IS THAT? Even So Come Lord Jesus!!

I hope to be apart of that revival to go and be in that atmosphere where God abides GREAT things will happen..

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.