
Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Hope

My Pastor use to always be so happy and so upbeat all the time even when I knew he was going through the worst struggles and I wondered how he did it. Was it a show for the church folk did he act the same way at home? I admire him for his strength I try to stay positive and cheerful and happy when facing trials but I CRACK and will not be ashamed to say it..Folks this vessel is loaded with cracks BUT.. Jesus is the mortar that holds me together.. He is my HOPE and my REFUGE my STRONG TOWER to which I cling to so tightly and refuse to let go..

It will soon be 5 years since my husband died and I still miss him and I sit and picture him in my mind standing around that great throne hands raised in worship and that gives me the HOPE to keep pushing on.The last six months has been the WORST time in my whole life and last night I told the Lord that dying sure looks better than living as I sat just weeping and every time I get to feeling so hopeless he sends that PEACE which surpasses all understanding I even thought that how could I feel such peace facing the struggles I am facing and waiting on God to move in my life... satan will not steal my BLESSINGS the desires of my heart NO WAY!!! "Delight thyself in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart" that is WORD.... RHEMA

I looked up the word HOPE in the dictionary and I like the verb better than the noun
HOPE~ to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence....But hope has a twin sister called FAITH and the two walk hand in hand.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"(Heb.11:1).

Now that my hope has her twin sister by the hand I will see what I am hoping for manifested in the natural it is already in the spiritual just waiting for God to say STEP OUT!!  WE have to see our desires speak them and then live them.. I am a blessed woman and God will get all the glory and all my praise. We have to praise our way to victory even when it looks so impossible and will never work. The Lord asked me "Is anything to hard for me"? I said no Lord you are the God of the IMPOSSIBLE take off the IM and you will see POSSIBLE!. These past months I have cried a river BUT I know that Tears endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning!!  What joy that will be I am going to DANCE like King David danced before the Lord.

God says in his word that he will do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think. I know he is working ALL things together for my good.

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.