
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Follow Me..

 Luke 9:57-63

 The Cost of Discipleship 
57- Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.”
58- And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
59- Then He said to another, “Follow Me.”
But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.”
60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God.”
61- And another also said, “Lord, I will follow You, but let me first go and bid them farewell who are at my house.”
62- But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”

It is  humorous when I think about it but I guess also more sad than anything. You can walk into most churches and ask everyone What has God called you to do? what is your calling and everyone will say to be a Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet, Teacher.... You will never find one who will say I am called to the Helps office as in clean church, maintenance, mow the grass every church I ever attended the Pastor was mowing the grass doing the maintenance etc... But when we had a dinner or gathering with food it was standing room only. As for the women no one wanted to sit in the nursery with the babies and give the mothers a break and chance to get under the word.

So my Pastor put in a TV that showed the service for all the mom's in there my church was the worst to have a buddy system if you was not apart of that group you were just out of the loop of things. In my walk with the Lord I have learned to keep my eyes on him and when you are prophetic and people knows God tells you things they tend to stay away from you lol.. Everyone wants to be powerfully anointed and used by God in the fivefold ministry but none will pay the price. God will break you and test you before he ever uses anyone..Jesus told the one FOLLOW ME  he asked him to see what his answer would be.

From experience NO ONE can minister to ANYONE if they have never been through what they are facing. How can I minister to the hungry if I have never been hungry myself? I would not know what that feels like or know how to minister. If you see someone who says that God has called them to preach and struggle to preach or to stand in that place then chances are they are mama and daddy called.God equips and strengthens who he calls.. BUT the price of that calling has to be paid... When we plan out our lives God will throw a wrench in it and mess OUR plans all up trust me...When you put your hand to that plow you are never to look back again you push forward into that calling of God he leads the way keep your eyes on him follow in his foot steps will it be easy? NO!!!! It is gonna HURT

God already knows the people that he calls us to minister to.. I have always had a desire to minister to women and God has used me to preach different groups. He had already placed that desire in me. he always confirms his callings He confirmed my calling in a vision One night I went to bed my husband was already asleep and as I laid down on my back I turned to my left side and as soon as I turned I began to fall downward at a rapid rate the walls were rocks looked like a cave. As I was falling I saw women plunging past me all around me and when they reached the bottom I could them just screaming blood curdling screams and the place would shake and I could hear gates closing. I began REPENTING I went back as far in my life as I could remember that was mind blowing..

But there were two women who were falling  at the rate as me and they were looking at me so puzzled as if they were reading my mind..I was pleading the blood of Jesus confessing the word  binding the devil how could I be going to hell lol then it hit me pray for these ladies tell them about Jesus... I was OHHHHH  what a relief I did and I came out of the vision I still remember every detail of that the sound of those gates rattling and closing should put the fear of hell in anyone the closing means not leaving...Being used of God means doing as Jesus did we have to die to our self sometimes we have to leave people or places let go of things and that is why so few are used by God they can't pay the price.

When the Lord says follow me you have to die to YOU and pick up your cross and walk and carry it as you go it gets very heavy. The Lord has a way with words he can speak one word to you and so break your heart. At the beginning of my walk with him he asked me "Lovest Thou Me"? that broke my heart I cried for days He has to be number one in your life he does not share his glory with anyone.

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