
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My prayer is that we as Christians at some point in our journey get it right by finally figuring out what it means to be a  servant of Christ and know it is not all about US! The disciples came to Jesus and asked who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.and he replied.

Mathew 18:4
Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

How many do we know that CAN or WILL humble themselves period it is all about them what the Lord is doing in their life the position they hold in the church their spiritual gifts are the only ones to be operating in the church. I have met some doozies in my walk with God. Alot were just so ridiculous that I had to laugh but would also get so angry that people put them self above God and that is a huge NO NO I have seen many get corrected and then they are mad at God and fall away from the church.

I am a observer often times quiet sit watch and listen I can walk into any church and in the first 5 minutes know who is the trouble maker in that body the one who thinks that church can't function without them. Often working under a form of a Jezebel spirit who wants to control that body. My gifting of The Holy Ghost is Discerning of Spirits and when I first started to operate in it I would be so hard on myself I thought I was judging people and had to learn it was the Holy Ghost showing me the spirit at work in someone what their true motive is and also if the spirit was of God or of satan or just a human spirit. I have learned that through quietness and just watching I have learned so much I can truly say I have been taught of the Lord.

I have met men and woman of God who are so lifted up in pride but you would never get them to see it if you confronted them and said you need to get your life under check they would automatically say you are persecuting them. I hear how good looking and how God uses them and he is gonna excel their ministry how silly they are when God does the opposite he is not into pride at all. we are to humble our self under the hand of the almighty or he WILL humble us himself he knows just what will humble us.

Proverbs 29:23
A man's pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor.

His hand is against the ones who are all self sufficient and do not need anything from God or anyone else if you have ever been used to pray for people you will know instantly who will receive and who won't they believe they need nothing they have all things spiritual and earthly but God says this to them.

You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

And it is so true they do not realize what state of being they are and it is  actually in pride has them blinded.

    The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

Even pride keeps alot of people from really getting to know the Lord they can't be broken or let anyone see them shed a tear or get on their face before God or even raise their hands in worship so sad to me and it totally grieves me but worse than me just think how it grieves God he inhabits the praises of his people.Christians who are sitting in churches thinking they are all that and are hiding secret sins just know this that some humble soul is sitting in the pews behind you and the Holy Ghost is telling them all about you and God will expose you he is a revealer of secrets.


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