
Sunday, November 6, 2011

My God is an awesome God the word says he loves ME and his people with an everlasting LOVE.. I have for the past week just taking in everything that helps and teaches me how to walk in the love of GOD his love Which is a pure and perfect love that sees past all of my imperfections and has hope for me to learn and share that same kind of love.

Love Is...

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love is the biggest test God will ever give us either we walk in it or we walk in our own way which always turns out to hurt us in the end. The hardest thing there to love the unlovable but in my experience in the ministry and being taught by the Lord all people want LOVE to feel valued and that their life has meaning and purpose. The unlovable throw up walls and come across as mean and unlovable but in reality they are hiding from a past of pain and abuse and they are guarding their emotions or their heart that is often scarred and lost and just can't take anymore abuse which instills fear to love. "God did not give me a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind"
First John 4:18 says that perfect love casts out fear.

The Lord has taught me as I have grown spiritually to look past offenses from people and to see and know the spirit that is driving a person to react as they do towards me whether it is rejection or hostility or just plan rude. being a person of prayer and pray for the people God assigns me I encounter alot of rejection and hostility but I choose to walk in God's love regardless is that easy to do NO! Sometimes I have told the Lord here YOU pray for them or better YET let them go to HELL hey I am human and have got a many of spankings throughout the years and  also saw God move so awesomely in people's lives.. That is the best feeling EVER! and all it took was standing unshakable in LOVE for them.

When I started attending my home church to sit under my Pastor I went through a hard test of walking in love. His sister also attended there and she felt as if she was in charge of the move of the Holy Ghost only way I can describe her. It was as if the church waited for her to bust out in dance or shouting or whatever she did. And as the Lord began to use me in my gifts and calling she did not like that at all and she would reject whatever I was lead to do she would not receive anything from me period. I was hurt and could not understand why she acted so mean and hostile towards me she would stand and talk to my husband and completely ignore me. I would whine to the Lord WHY?? he remained silent her hostility went on a long time till one day I just could not take it anymore she had embarrassed me in front of new people and I was mad. After service I marched up to my Pastor and said Look enough is enough and told him about his sister and naturally being a Pastor he defended her I was irate I told him no matter what you say she does not RECEIVE my ministry here and I went home.

Evening service we had a prophet from Brazil speak and after the message he began to minister to the people and my Pastor stood with him as he ministered to the people. So when he got to me he prophesied about my ministry and THEN he says GOD IS SO GOOD!!! He said the sister who has rejected your ministry unto the Lord and who will not RECEIVE from you will come to you and ask forgiveness I started to shout  the look on my Pastor's face he knew I had heard from God because God spoke and used the same word I had spoken to my Pastor that afternoon RECEIVE several days later after church my husband and I had gotten in our car to leave and she walked up to the car and apologized just as the prophet said she would and plus she told the Pastor my God reigns..

The Lord has shown me that  LOVE holds the key to see his awesome powers unlocked in the lives of his people so many miss his move in their lives because they refuse to LOVE and show compassion to the brethren all that I see is Christians condemning other brothers and sisters just shows me they are not perfected in the Love of Christ. The past couple of weeks I have learned to lean closer and to cling harder to the Lord and to keep my eyes stayed on him looking neither to the left or to the right just to look UP...

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His banner placed over me is LOVE he is my refuge and my miracles comes from his hands.  All we need as the children of the most high God is to keep looking up to our banner of LOVE that flies above us and leads our way BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD!!!


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