
Monday, October 31, 2011

It never ceases to amaze me how God's people treat each other do we as the BODY his body think that is pleasing to him? There is no strife or arguing what denomination is the right one! What is going on in heaven right now is  everyone is  shouting and praising God around his throne. There is no division or strife going on and every color and every language is there all in unity and love ONE mind one body and all worshiping God together brothers and sisters in the Lord FAMILY!

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and; behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye
I am so sick of watching Preachers spend all of their preaching time judging and downing other preacher's and ministries it makes me so upset. Do they not see what God said he will judge them with the same measure they are judging another? HELLO God sees in the dark he judges  the intentions of our hearts funny thing is people who stand and point fingers and judge others are most often hiding secrets in their own lives like God does not see the darkness of their hearts. These are all Christians who should be united for the cross and lifting up the name of Jesus not pointing out what they don't like about brother so and so he can't be right with God but when brother so and so point s his finger back at them THEY are being persecuted if it was not so sad it would be so funny.

Years ago two huge men of God fell around about the same time one was caught in immortality repented on TV to God and then turned around and was caught again doing the same thing. He had stood and publicly condemned the other preacher for having an affair and later went to prison on financial matters. Looks to me like he would have known the word of God

New International Version
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

He stood judging the other man so God judged him fairly good news is they are both back to preaching and may God be glorified through them he says when a righteous mans falls seven times he will pick him up dust him off and set him back on the narrow path. People who cannot take correction call it persecution that is why God gave us Pastors to lead and guide us and yes correct us and in my walk with God I have been through corrections and grew from it at the times it was painful and I did not like it but it was for my good and I grew from it.

Years ago my husband and I visited this church a few times from a invitation from the Pastor and there was a woman she was the only way to describe her was a mountain woman  she was big had gray hair walked like a  giant way taller and bigger than me. She walked up to us and shook our hand when she grasped my hand she nearly broke it she had such strength. She never smiled just grunted and walked away she scared me to death just her look scared me I told my husband she gives me the willies he shook his head in a you are judging shake. From that moment on if I was walking down the aisle and she was walking up it I would go a different direction to avoid her,I would not look at her if at all possible she just scared me.

So one Sunday we were doing communion and the Pastor says we are doing this different today he says get in line and you will have a partner to share communion with and not your spouse another brother or sister and you are to pray one for another and then we will take the communion I get in line and who walks up beside me? My heart sank to my knees DO WE SEE GOD AT WORK HERE? The lady I was so afraid of so she grasped my hand so tightly that it went numb. I prayed for her and as she began to pray for me she prayed the most heart felt sincere and kindest prayer for me I was so convicted of judging her before I ever got to know her and God taught me another lesson that day never judge someone on what they may look like on the outside wait and  see what is in their heart.


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