
Thursday, November 10, 2011

 Romans 10:15

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news

I find it amazing when you asked someone about when God called them into the ministry :Well sister define what you mean by "Called"? So funny you will get the same answers every time just different vessel's some will say well my Pastor says I am a preacher or well this prophet came to church he says I am gonna call fire down from heaven and the sad thing is The CALLED one is a new Christian still wearing his/her spiritual pampers unlearned in the word but yet they are going to call fire down from heaven how silly is that? People are doing far more damage in the body of Christ than any good at all.For me if you have a word from the Lord for me you better KNOW it is from the Lord because I will call you out if it is not.. One way to know if the word is from God or not did they prophesy something that you have asked God about or for did it click yes with your spirit? If it was something you have no clue about I never receive it write it down in case it is for the future but God ALWAYS deals with you what he wants  a prophet or layman will only confirm what God already told you..

We had a prophet come to hold a revival in our church this man was reading our mail big time. As one night he was preaching he stopped mid sentence looked at my Pastor and said  I just saw a snake crawl under the altar and he goes will tell you after the service and started back into his message. There was a man in our praise team from looking at his outward appearance you would think he was a on fire believer that is how he presented himself. Being on the ministry team we were pulled aside and told what had happened this man was not a christian stayed out in bars wanting to be famous as a singer he was an awesome singer he came to church to use the praise team as a way to be seen. he was the snake that the prophet saw God warned my pastor to remove that man from the praise team or the music ministry would die. We have a awesome anointed praise team. That man was ejected instantly and he left the church..

I am old school where no one was allowed to preach or teach without instruction and commissioned the church ORDAINED and sent you out after being under subjection to your Pastor where you sat under his ministry and were taught all things spiritual. And in my Pastors church he encouraged you to attend Bible College and I hold an Associate Degree in  Ministry does that make me a bad person NO! The stiff necked want to demean people who go to Bible College as if they are wrong but these people are often the ones preaching false doctrine maybe just out of ignorance of what the Bible teaches.They will take no instruction at all because they know the TRUTH how ridiculous  I could go on and on and talk of how ignorant some of these people are but when someone tries to correct them They are being persecuted for preaching the truth..

We are told to study and show ourselves approved before God that means prepare our self know the truth of God's word and to just understand the calling to preach gain wisdom and knowledge from men and women who have already built a ministry. and understand the operations.Know how to run a ministry effective..and doing things in order as God teaches he is a God of order never confusion..

2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.

Nothing burns me up more than seeing someone get up to preach/teach the word of God and has not even taken the time to plan the sermon PRAY over it ask God's direction WHAT he wants to speak to his people.I have heard well I don't need to study God will give me what I need to say  HAHA! I know the instant someone opens their mouth if they have been before the Lord on what they preaching and MOST of the time they are condemning other churches and Ministers because that is all they have on the inside.I would say a Pastor that holds the largest church in the Unites States is prepared and blessed of the Lord!!

It took me awhile to understand how a man/woman who is not right in their walk with God how they can stand and preach his word the Lord taught me how they do and there are alot of them preaching without even being saved they chose to go in ministry as a JOB and they spent years learning just what the Bible says and how to apply it to your life it is just a job a lifestyle that allows them to not have to do manual labor be paid by the church the Lord in his mercy gave me the revelation of how they do it. It is simple it is not them at all BTW these are the ones Jesus said in the word would ask him in that day did we not cast out devils prophesy in your name and he says depart from me I never knew you. He means they have never been saved God knows those who are his..
Isaiah 55:11

 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

The lord knows when we come to church what we need from him answers to our problems salvation deliverance or a healing he told me even though the preacher may not be right with me BUT I already know your need and I send my word through a person just or unjust my word is  POWERFUL and alive regardless of what vessel I use to send it. AWESOME!!!!

Jeremiah 1:12

Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.

God watches over his word to perform it in whatever need we have and trust in his word. God has our backs and it is so amazing he will confirm his word what he has spoken one of my Pastors sermons will forever stick out in my mind It was a Wednesday evening meeting and people always came to service beat down from the week tired and just warming the pew. When he started into his message he was holding a loaf of bread and his message was "The Bread" he was so anointed that evening and he was on fire and whenever he came to the word "The Bread" he would throw out a piece of bread. I sat and watched as these people came alive trying to be the one who caught that slice of bread so totally awesome.God's word was alive and touches these tired bodies bringing life..


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