
Saturday, November 19, 2011


I have been standing in faith waiting for the desires of my heart to be manifested in the natural. I can see them spiritually and can touch them. But as I have been waiting my desire to see the glory of God has taken center of my being I am seeking to know him in ways I have never known him NOT playing good church person who only wants to be seen by people Jesus said they have their reward.

Psalm 27:4
New International Version (©1984)
One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.

Jesus is apart of me he in me and me in him how awesome is that? I feel so sorry for the religious mind that cannot see the goodness of God in a real and tangible way they teach FEAR God true we are to reverence God in all our ways and his word! For the religious mind God is waiting to punish or kill us all...WE will get a spanking sure but he corrects us for our well being if he killed us when we messed up there would be no people left on the earth... There would be a massive popping off the planet lol...Religion teaches You have to be in church every time the door opens.. True we are not to forsake the assembling together just because I could not make the service last Sunday does not mean I do not love God. Some of these preachers (if you call them that) I just sit and pinch their heads like I did as a kid lol and pray that they receive revelation from the Holy Spirit..

2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

If you are living in fear that is of the devil he will keep you in bondage to that fear to control you.. So many people are bound in fear and will never come to realize they do not have to live that way. I am talking crazy stuff they are afraid of it would be so funny if it was not so sad. the word tells us in simple terms "Do not give place to the devil" You give him a inch he will take you over and he never fights fair he moves in lies. fear and condemnation. When he knocks on your door slam the door in his face!! WHOA someone is needing to read this lol..

I proudly proclaim that I am a "Jesus Freak" Jesus said if you deny me before men he will deny us before heaven. I want God bragging on me to the devil like he did Job saying "Have you seen my servant Job"? calling him by name HOW AWESOME To have God brag on us takes one thing being TOTALLY surrendered sold out  uncompromising to be bullied by the schemes of the enemy being rooted and grounded in HIM his word being instant in season and out of season.. KNOW YOUR ROLE... My name literally means in Hebrew "Speak the Word" When the enemy raises his head to male you doubt to see your hearts desire tell him what God said he will run every time. Recently while in my prayer closet I asked the Lord how do you see me? And a few days later as I was napping I had a dream do not remember the dream BUT as I was waking up I saw a picture of myself it was all sparkly and I was looking up eyes closed with the biggest smile it was from the Lord.. I often sit looking up in worship and smile I praise him for his love ask him to show you how he sees you.If you believe he will

.Psalm 119:114
You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word..

God's word never changes and never comes back to him void he will preform his word wherever it was sent. It is our shield when those fiery darts are flying at us. I know my hearts desire is on it's way all in God's time table and while I sit and wait I will diligently seek him becase his word says when we seek him with all our hearts we will find him Bless His Holy Name


1 comment:

  1. Amen and AMEN! I saw your name on my blog followers and popped in to say hi. I am so thankful for you as God makes all things new in your life.
    Sweet blessings to you!


 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.