Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Enough For Me
Philippians 4:12 (ESV)
I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
I have some random thoughts that have been on my heart for days and the first has to do with praying. I like to sit and read post that my Facebook friends share or where ever I see prayer request.and I see a lot of selfish prayers and believe me in my walk with the Lord I have prayed many myself. I spend a lot of time in my prayer closet and let Holy Spirit lay upon my heart who and what to pray for..Just recently as I sat down to pray I just said I just want to sit in your presence and Holy Spirit what is on your heart what do you want to talk about and what can I pray about?
I sat quietly worshiping and then all of sudden I began to weep and as I wept I knew that the Holy Spirit was weeping as well and it just pierced my heart and I began to just sob and I asked him Why are we weeping? He said as clearly as I am sitting here."The children have no chocolate milk" I was now sobbing and felt as if my heart would break knowing that a child or parent was praying for chocolate milk. After awhile I said what can I do I have $1 to my name. You are GOD you can cause a cow to give chocolate milk. Being a intercessor I prayed it through and birthed it forth and feel confidently that children have chocolate milk today my point is.. We need to pray the mind of the Holy Spirit he is real he is a person who can feel things and he can so easily be grieved. It is not always about us or ours.
It being the holidays and everyone is rushing about buying for children and family spending money they can't afford to spend going in debt with credit cards knowing they will struggle and yet they do it anyway.I have learned the past few years to be content with what I have.A couple of years ago I walked into Walmart and pride filled my I looked around and I thought to myself I can buy anything in this store I didn't matter what it was, pay cash for it..But what I wanted couldn't be bought in Walmart. I wanted my husband back.
Today when I walk into Walmart I have a list of what I can buy which is not a lot but I am satisfied with what is on the list. I have learned to be content with what I do have and thank God everyday for what I do have.there are hungry times and there are full times.lonely times..happy times..sad times.And the Lord is with me in them all it is hard to see women with their husbands and families and remember all that I had and now sit alone but you see I am not ever alone because I have the greatest husband in the world who is ever present and loved me so much that he died for me. I sit in heavenly places with him.He has taught me to be content because HE supplies all my needs!
People drive brand new cars my car is 10 years old and the paint has wore off some spots on it. BUT it gets me where I need to go and it only cost gas to ride in it...
My clothes are old but still in good shape just big on me from weight loss BUT I am not naked..
People go out to eat different places and I sometimes don't have a lot to eat BUT I am not starving.
He is The God of more than enough a while back I was in a tight spot no food and had to wait for a check to come and I was hungry and I sat before the Lord just crying and asked him just let me go to sleep because I am getting sick to my stomach I laid down and slept like a baby woke up on Saturday morning and at 11am a man came to the house with a bag full of McDonald's hamburgers and that night I went to bed with a full stomach My God is all I need more than enough!
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Hi Debra! I love the new look of your blog! I especially like the 'as for me and my blog'... I love that saying.
ReplyDeleteWhat a miracle you had with that man and his bag of hamburgers! Wow. God does move in mysterious ways, doesn't he?
It is a blessing to be able to live both with a lot, and with a little. One can make you puffed up, one can make you curse the darkness. Having just enough is such a blessing, and that seems to be where you are.
Right where God wants you.
Thank you! You re very encouraging and I love to read your blog