
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Stopping For The One

I reference Heidi Baker a lot she is a minister and missionary in Africa I just see Jesus in her the joy and love just radiates from her eyes because she knows HIM! Her message is simply love and stop for the one who God sets in front of you and he will place people in our pathways who need sometimes just a simple smile and hello how are you which often will lead to ministry to them.. Do you or will you stop?

The other day as I came out from shopping at Walmart I was putting my things into my car when a  young woman approached me and she was nervous and unsure of herself. I smiled at her and she says I m sorry to bother you but my car ran out of gas could you lend me some money? As I looked in her face I saw scars and places where she had scratched her face and I knew they were crack scars.I replied no I do not have any cash and she hurried away and I heard the Lord say so clearly stop for the one. I replied Lord you are not talking about stopping for a crack head surely as soon as that left my mouth my heart was pierced I turned around quickly to to see where she had gone she was racing through the parking lot trying to catch people as they got in their cars so feeling so badly I got in my car and sat apologizing to the Lord. He shed his blood for every crack addict, alcoholic, no sin is greater than another sin is sin..

I just kept hearing him say stop for the one I prayed for that girl so intensely I had judged her by her scars she wears her scars on the outside where my own scars are hidden on the inside yet we are the same.I really did not have any cash on hand but I have a greater currency I could have offered her had I stopped. as I sat praying I was thinking she is someones daughter and she could easily be someones mother. Where ever she is tonight may the love and mercy of a loving God engulf her and may another stop for her where I missed the opportunity to show her the love that Jesus shows me.As we have freely received we are to freely give. The Lord gave me peace and taught me a lesson, that girl has an divine appointment with God in her future!!! Gods love is everlasting no matter our status in life he loves us all equally

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.