
Thursday, August 22, 2013

New Door

I woke thinking about changes that are coming in my life,how God recently said no in my life to something that I was bound and determined was going to happen in my life.. I stood for over a year confessing his word  I sank my teeth into it  and held on determined God was going to answer my prayer and give me what my heart was desiring. Day after day I confessed the word just knowing I was going to get my desire quickly days turned to months and I was holding on BUT deep down on the inside I really knew what I was asking for was not right for me..

I really believe the Lord gets a chuckle out of watching how silly I can be! So after over a year of confessing and believing as I woke up one morning I heard a door slam loudly, I raised to see if my bedroom door had shut and it had not it was early morning and the peace of God just flooded over me and I felt so good and I immediately knew that God had slammed the door to that desire shut.I was relieved but I felt foolish for believing for something that I knew deep down was wrong for me. That door slammed because what God has for me will be so much better in comparison and Papa knows best.

Through my walk with God I have seen people fall away from following God for some of the dumbest reasons they get mad when he does not answer a prayer with what they asked for.years ago we went to a church and  man was asking God for a million dollars I wonder if he ever got it? I would say no because the man would have instantly back slid on God and spent the money in no time. God only gives what he can trust you with if he gave the man the desire would he have used it for the kingdom? No because I listened as he told of what he would do and I never heard him say anything about the kingdom.

There is  pastor that has had two huge revivals come to his churches and I asked the Lord what is so special about this man that you keep bringing revival to him. and the Lord replied "BECAUSE I CAN TRUST HIM" How awesome!! So we should never ask God for anything that he could not trust us with..He often only gives us what we need not always what we want. I just know the door that is opening for me is going to be far greater than the one that was closed and I thank my God for his great love and direction for my life.

Proverbs 19:21 NIV
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.
Father may we always strive to know your heart
and to know that you know what is best for our
lives.and to trust in you.


  1. Hi Debra! I loved that exchange about the pastor. Trust is so big, isn't it? I need to become more trustworthy, that's for sure.

    The image of the slamming door is so big in my mind. Wow. What a sign, and you were so peaceful about it. Then you know that God is there.

    Good to see you!

    1. Thank You Ceil for reading you re a blessing!!


 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.