
Monday, August 5, 2013


Hebrews 10:23, 35, 38 says “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for he is faithful that promised;...Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward.

This morning I was thinking about the last few years and the struggles that I have had some were reaping bad choices or decisions that I made no one is exempt from "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SEW " We reap the good and we reap the bad God is not mocked.. God often will SET US UP FOR A COME BACK looking back I know the past two years have been used by God to test me and stretch me. God brings you down before he ever picks you up or exalts you..And  do I have unshakable unmovable faith?

The past two years have been the hardest that I have ever had to endure BUT it has been the best time with The Lord. to quote "IT has been the best of times and it has been the worst of times" But I give God all the glory! I am stronger spiritually and I have grown so in the things of God. God sent me back to the one place that I swore I would never return to my parents home and he stuck me with the one person who I loathed  as a child and here BOY!! have I ever been tested. I left my parents home a 17 when I married my husband and never looked back.. When God is preparing you he molds you and reshapes you breaks you down then rebuilds you. He is pruning the fruits in you building character in you. Do you ever wonder if people in the church act the same way at home as they do in church? Strong Character means you re the same in both places and also you can be trusted..

You would be surprised he is looking to use men and women who he can trust with the things of heaven and who know that THE GLORY BELONGS TO HIM..So if he cannot trust you then he does not use you..There is an awesome woman of God who I so admire Heidi Baker she has a orphanage in Africa and takes in abandoned children,a great minister.But before she ever was used so mightily God sent her to Africa where she had no money no shelter was hungry and sat out on the streets with the homeless nd downcast for 2 years where he taught her and I can testify for where you have bled in life you have such compassion. Fact.... no one can minister from where they have not suffered them self

Jesus is COMPASSION his mercy endures forever!!  You stay in the testing and rebuilding times with God until you pass each test he places in front of you. I can tell you that I am a worshiper I have worshiped when my heart was breaking, wished I could die..I have worshiped when I was so hungry I begged the Lord to let me sleep because I was so sick from no food, I have worshiped when I was in the midst of despair so alone and lonely that I sat and clutched my own hands I have worshiped when I was made to feel lower than a abandoned dog. I worship in spirit and in truth. There is so much I could share about the faithfulness of God but people would think I am crazy..

Do I have unshakable faith? I can honestly say it is growing daily I have times of wanting to just give up But then I think Where would I go or run? then something I read or hear someone say renews my strength and I keep pressing on to my breakthrough and God opens the doors that need to be opened..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debra! Love the idea of being set up for a comeback. So much hope! And we need hope everyday, that's for sure.

    I hope you are enjoying your August! It's so good to see you here :)


 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.