
Monday, June 24, 2013

Prime The Pump

As I sat in my secret place with the Lord it is the one place where I desire to stay. To live in his presence.I crave it and hold it tightly in my heart..I laugh with him there and I weep with him there I share what I m feeling and he listens I intercede there and it is holy ground there..After having a very long conversation with him I was so sleepy and was going to bed but he wanted to linger and bring things to my remembrance that I had forgotten he likes to remind you of his goodness,, But most often he is sharing what is on his heart..

Years ago my husband and I preached on the radio our program was on Saturday from 3-4pm on a station in Dallas North Carolina and from where we lived it took us about 20 plus minutes to get there and on this particular Saturday we were running late and our car was on empty and we could not stop to get gas so we rushed onto the station to preach.. The car we had at that time was made in France I cannot remember the name to save me it was so horrible I have blocked it from my memory lol It was a 5 speed with a clutch if you ever ran out of gas you had to what my husband said was prime the pump before you added anymore gas because if you didn't it would send depri throughout the system and tear it up.

So we preached up a storm had a very good response and made Jesus glad and the devil mad they say..WE had forgot about the gas so from the radio station to the nearest gas station was about 10 miles.We started off  and about a half mile up the road the car started jerking and shut off in the road. My reaction was OH no devil so I banged my fist on the dashboard  and commanded start in the name of Jesus it started right up gas light beeping NO GAS and we rode about another mile same thing the car jerked and shut off we were in the boondocks nothing but trees so I banged my fist on the dashboard In the name of Jesus start it started we rode further on and it stopped a total of 4 times and each time the name of Jesus started  the car and it stopped the last time right in the driveway of the gas station that sat upon a hill and we coasted right down in front of the pump.

WE never had to even prime the pump and the car drove as well as it could. I said all of that to say so many of God's children need to prime their pumps they are carrying to much depri to function in the kingdom The Harvest is here we are heading into the end-time there is coming a REVIVAL that will hit like a Tsunami this is being prophesied by numerous prophetic voices they are all saying TSUNAMI  The Lord is speaking GET READY The Lord of the Harvest is coming!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debra! What a story!

    You give me courage that God will listen to me too...and I hope I don't have to 'prime the pump' for too long!

    Love the picture of your grandkids too :)

    Peace in Christ,


 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.