
Monday, November 12, 2012

Luke 4:18

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,

The church is bound and God's people chose to let people sit beside them on the pews bound by the enemy. Pastor's look away not wanting to have to deal with the devil and YES the devil goes to church and you probably sat beside him on Sunday all neat and tidy with a huge smile on his face as he masquerades as brother or sister sunshine.. The word says he will disguise himself as an angel of light the word further instructs every believer to TRY the spirits to see if they be of God..

2 Corinthians 11:14-15
 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

If anyone is familiar with  Sozo ministry that is a deliverance ministry but before they will ever go through the deliverance process you have to sign a wavier form so They do not get sued so funny.. All Jesus ever did was say "COME OUT"  People are bound some oppressed and some totally possessed I m not one who sees a demon behind every bush but in my years in a prayer ministry I have seen bound people,witnessed them set free by the power of Jesus name. There are  radical demon busters who will at some point cause great spiritual harm to a persons walk with God causing a spirit of fear to come onto  the person we need deliverance ministers who are especially called to that ministry who do not want to see people bound and show the same compassion to them as Jesus did he had such love but he also did not tolerate the devil..#gojesus

My first experience with a demon is funny today but not so when it happened. Early in my walk with God I attended a church that believed in intercessory prayer we had a prayer team of intercessors who met on Tuesday nights for prayer we prayed for anything that moved and our Pastor was our leader. On one of those nights we were gathered in a room there were at least 20 people there praying all scattered on the floor some walking around we had been praying for a couple of hours and custom was before we left we would pray one for another and we paired off one on one.

So that night I paired off with a woman who was along with her husband the PILLARS of that church which actually meant they put more money into the church than anyone else and they were special lol the Pastor's right hand they were sooo. We took each others hands and began to pray after praying for a minute or so I began to feel this lady's body begin to tense up and her grip on my hands began stronger and she had her thumb against my thumb and she began to push against my thumb digging her nail into my flesh and pushing as hard as she could against my thumb. I could feel that anger was taking her over and I was new to demons I was thinking why is she trying to hurt me? I was praying nice for her lol  My thumb was hurting so badly and she had it pushed so far backwards that it felt as if it would break.

I got in the flesh because she was hurting me to the point I was almost in tears but I kept praying until I could no longer stand the pain and I cried out to the Lord in my spirit and said Jesus she is hurting me and one or two things are going to happen here #1 You are either going to deliver her from this anger demon or #2 I am gonna punch her in the face the decision is yours and I began to count down when getting to one she was gonna feel my fist in her face and at the exact moment our Pastor walked up and began to pray and immediately she let go of my hands and her body relaxed the demon went back into hiding

I looked at the Pastor and I could see by the expression on his face he had discerned that demon to BUT he never attempted to cast it out from fear of losing money and help from this woman and she walked out just as bound as she had walked in. I felt bad but I had got in the flesh and the Lord taught me a lesson that night. When I stand before God and answer for why I did not cast it out my reply is simply I had no faith and I had got into the flesh. But what is the Pastors excuse going to be He feared Man? Through the years I have told that story and got some laughs but it still bothers me I just pray that along her journey she met someone who said "COME OUT"

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.