
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Send The Rain

I love to watch people so I guess that could be the reason for the spiritual gift of DISCERNMENT God gave me.. It is so true what Jesus said about we will know them by their fruits just watch people around you in church or THE CHURCH in general.

I m so totally old school I still believe in  good ole HOLY GHOST REVIVAL...I still believe in holding TENT REVIVALS....I still believe in THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS that by HIS BLOOD I am saved...I still believe in talking in them TONGUES...I still believe in being SLAIN in the SPIRIT letting GOD work in me..I still believe that Jesus is the truth the way the life...The most important thing out of it all is JESUS IS LORD OF ALL!!

Every church and every Pastor has to deal with what we use to call WILD FIRE! meaning someone who comes into the meeting assuming that they know it all and act out of order or just plain CRAZY... couple of weeks ago while on Face book in a group setting that I am apart of and was chatting after joining this group I wondered why I did I knew the man from another social site so asked to join not fully realizing what this group was about.

So he and I were chatting and I mentioned that a church I had visited the Pastor of that church was on vacation and the youth pastor ministered that Sunday. During praise and worship I noticed he kept looking at me and when he got up to preach he gave a word of knowledge that someone was hurting (ME) I have since July 5th 2011 been on a journey of healing mentally and spiritually.. The Lord asked me "Will You Tarry With Me?" After my husbands death I got lost and for 4 years I laid wounded on the side of the road spiritually my whole world and life crumbled before me. I went from having everything to having nothing overnight.

I made lot of mistakes in those four years but my spirit was wounded. I never blamed God I just masked myself.People react to grief in different ways I masked myself and shut myself off...But Jesus never left my side HE had  a PLAN... The last fourteen months of my life has been the worst time in all my 54 years of living God has been restoring and healing every area of my life.The old me had to die so I can walk into my purpose and my calling God told me early on what was in my future and my ministry but he had to heal me..He told me I had to let go of the old in order to receive the new he was bringing... Back to the chat room so I was explaing this to this man when  woman butts in and starts rambling about God was going to set me free did I want to be free from this demon?

Needless to say I was sat back and she was rambling this deliverance prayer as fast as she could type lol and I am sitting here thinking JESUS do you believe this?? I had to laugh because how silly.. I never said anything to her I was polite but what came to my mind was WILD FIRE that will eventually will cause much damage to someone spiritually My Bible says that light and darkness do not mix..I believe that demons can influence a Christian. (my opinion)  I could have rebuked her by the simple fact that I spend hours a day in the presence of God I do not work so I am in His glorious presence till the wee hours of the morning sitting in the glory...the anointing. No demon in hell could stand in that presence,I am in the word of God daily The Lord has had me in total consecration to him for all these months.. I had to die to self and I had to decrease so HE could INCREASE..

SO... I have been quiet  and reading all these peoples posts and chats. They are a fellowship of people who believe that there is a demon behind every bush they call them by name crazy sounding names to me.. I believe that they feel they are helping people BUT are they? A woman came on one night and held a conversation with this man while she was talking to this demon in her JESUS!!!!! Then she says I have to go and check into my MINISTRY  Jesus help us Lord...Is the church safe??? People try those spirits like the Bible says..

Last thought while people are chasing demons I am growing and on my way to finish my work for the Kingdom...Couple of mornings ago I woke up hearing myself SAY "I AM SITTING IN HEAVENLY PLACES BY CHRIST JESUS..

Holy Spirit Come And Bring The Rain


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