
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Can You Walk When?

Luke 9

Sending Out the Twelve

  Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases.  He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.  And He said to them, “Take nothing for the journey, neither staffs nor bag nor bread nor money; and do not have two tunics apiece

It grieves me to the point of being mad all the people who claim to be "CALLED BY GOD" to preach.. My question is this Can you walk the walk and talk the talk?.I say sadly that most of the called stumble right outside the gate.reason being they can't die to self that is why the church is so messed up the called has made it all about them when in fact IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS!

I am old school your gifts and callings make room for you and not vice versa I want to go to church where the atmosphere is charged with the glory of God and not to watch some show under the big top! Praise God for the Pastor's who will sit them down I have been at this long enough to know who is anointed and who is not. I have sat around the altar and listened as people pleaded USE ME GOD but when the testing came they could not endure the killing of self,  ME is much more important than God until a need hits sad actually. Will you walk with God when he has taken everything out of your life? will you walk with God in NOTHING? will you walk with God when you don't know if you will eat today? will you walk with God when you sit and read and listen to women talk about their husbands when yours is dead? will you walk with God in abandonment? will you walk with God when your closet is holding clothes from 10 years ago that no longer fit because of all the weight you have lost? My answer to that question was and is YES LORD WHERE YOU GO I WILL FOLLOW!! And I will pay that price to lay my works at your feet and hear him say "Well Done My Good And Faithful Servant" I am a walking dead woman whose God is more than enough a woman who surrendered it all even the very desires of my heart I gave to him..

When God calls you into his service that call does not come when everything is so good in your life there is money in your checkbook food on your table nice clothes in your closest and gas in your car..He calls you when you have nothing and  shakes what can be shaken from what little you do have. My point being look at Luke 9 where Jesus sends out the disciples he sent them with nothing no money, no coat NOTHING why did he send them out penniless and with just the clothes they were wearing? He was teaching them to walk by faith and have to trust in HIM to supply their every need!!

But they came back rejoicing because they cast out some demons and did not see the lesson he was teaching.. That is where so many miss it and make it about how good and special they are.You are going to start to see in the days to come that some of these men and women of God who have made it about themselves God is going to sit them down and raise up the ones who are anointed and his word filling their mouths who are right now being held down in the pews of every church by the traditions of men and pastors who are scared they will be out done it is a remnant of end time people who will not back down and who stand for God 100% who will preach in their underwear if end be.

Years ago I went to church with a lady that thought she was greatly anointed by God and she would call me and I would sit for hours listening to her ramble about how God used her so mightily she even made the statement that "THE FIRE OF GOD" flowed from her hands all I can say is Thank God For Caller ID he had that invented for such a purpose lol Remember Jesus said "You Will Know Them By Their Fruits" and my thought on why Jesus sent them out two by two is because every purpose has a destiny.

Once you put your hands to that plow God sees you committed to his service and HE says if you look back then you are not fit for his use.I have no agenda but HIS and you will find me out on the battlefield all scarred and worn but the VICTORY has already been won!!!

Sister King

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