
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Gift

Jesus is such  gentleman and the scripture that comes to mind is...Hebrews 4:15

The Message (MSG)
 14-16Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let's not let it slip through our fingers. We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let's walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.

There is nothing hidden from the face of God he sees everything and knows the true motives of our hearts and so many people seem to forget that. This past year has been such a growing and mending time and waiting on God to move in my life.and ministry. Times have been joyous but mostly  heartbreaking time of letting go of the past. God breaks and molds back those he uses and if you can't pay the price then he can't use you to the degree he wants so most often he finds the one who will be broken.

God sent me on this quest of healing and dying to my self and placed me in a situation and having to be around the one person that just plucks my last nerve and it takes the last drop of energy not to blow up because I know this is a God thing that is temporary and will pass (insert happy dance here). My prayer is Lord let me see this person as you see them Why is that when God is doing a work in your life and making his plans for your purpose and asks you to tarry with him and halfway through the process he stops talking to you? SOOOO You will trust him...Sounds fabulous but so hard to do when you feel like you are drowning just being honest...We all feel it but the super spiritual ones will not admit it lol

Last night was such a hard night of many that I have went through this past several months. I felt so alone and so rejected and weeping telling the Lord you do all these awesome things for OTHERS but you won't even answer me.. I just don't get it and as I was inhaling to rattle off some more whines... I began to see a field of golden sunflowers. The sunflower happens to be my favorite flower and I instantly felt so good The Lord gave me flowers and gold ones at that! How Awesome is that I researched the meaning of sunflowers one said peace and longevity and another said faith.. One thing about sunflowers they always face THE SON... (sun) What an awesome God I serve and to my last breath will I tell of his mercy and love

Be Blessed

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.