
Saturday, February 18, 2012

I was reading in 2 Samuel chapter 9 about King David and Mephibosheth the crippled man living in a town called Lodebar which means Barrenness or Brokenness. David asked was there anyone left in the house of Saul that he could bless for the sake of his best friend Jonathan who had been killed in battle alongside his father King Saul. I believe David was remembering their friendship and times together the Bible said their hearts were knitted together in love... They had a Soul Tie in the spirit realm formed by God. David was told that Jonathan's son who was crippled was alive and David instructed him to be blessed given every blessing and he would sit with him at the King's table to go down to Lodebar and bring him out.
We all have barren and broken places in our walk with the Lord and we have to pitch our tents in  Lodebar NO ONE likes camping there just like Mephibosheth we become crippled from the warfare  BUT.. God sits us there as times of testing and breaking us to mold us to be used in a greater way for the Kingdom. All we can do is sit in the doorway of our tents and cry out for the hand of God to help and lift  us out. Life has dropped us people we love and counted on have let us down deserted us leaving us wounded and naked and begging for a hand to hold, a word spoken to encourage us we are cold and hungry and it is as time has stopped and we feel as if we will be stuck forever in the barren wasteland. You gave your all  to who needed you in their times of despair you spoke words to edify and lift them up blessed them in every area that you had available. And now you find yourself crippled and abandoned by the side of the road but they all pass you by turning their heads away from you..

Here is where God shows himself strong in our lives when we are weak then he is strong I HAVE A WORD... God saw us the moment we pitched our tents the words says..
2 Corinthians 4:7-9

7- But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8- We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
God has already anointed and appointed our time of COMING OUT...And by his hand he lifts us up we have a King waiting to bless us after we have gone through the fiery trial sadly a lot do not make it through they walk away from God.. they just could not let the flesh die.. We all have different trials and tests nothing can shake your faith and life-like having your Husband die unexpectedly I never blamed God I did ask him WHY? after all the prayers of protection I had prayed over my husband. The Lord answered with "Bad things happen to good people"  was all he said.

I am COMING OUT! of Lodebar to the praise of HIS Glory!  Renewed Refreshed Refilled stronger than ever and Ready to walk into the NEW he has for me I may have been crippled but he has stretched out his hands  to lift me up. I will pass this test.. Weeping may endure for a night BUT joy cometh in the morning.. I don't know about anyone else but I see my sun rising and what a glorious day it is going to be...

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.