
Thursday, January 5, 2012

What Has Happened To The Church?

Walking into churches today is like walking under the big top at the circus complete with clowns and everything associated with the circus. What happened to living holy? God says "Be Ye Holy For I Am Holy" People dress ever how they want to come into the presence of the almighty who should be respected.. I know God does not judge on our clothes I am speaking of just being respectful to God and his house giving him our very best to honor his presence. We need a Holiness Revival the revivalist of the past carried a heavy anointing of holiness.. Sister Ruth Ward Heflin carried such a holiness anointing that when she walked by people they were slain in the spirit.

Men and woman who are anointed are now using it to put on shows running spiting and blowing on people ?? At no time in the ministry of Jesus did he do anything but simply speak the word.and it was complete he did make mud and place on the blind man's eyes. Watching these people put on these shows is heart breaking they are taking the focus of what the anointing is placing it on themselves so people can see how mighty they are God says he will not share his glory with no one!! After awhile he just yanks the rug out from under them and they crash. I guess the bigger the show the more tapes and books you can sell I want to be sold out to God and be pleasing only to him..

Reading different blogs on different sites people are putting in links and videos promoting themselves on a blog? God's word says in due season he will lift us up and when we try to lift our self up it never works so I have learned that when my flesh gets puffed up and I think I am so cute and so anointed... I go sit down and wait for God to tell me I am all this and from experience I know not to lift myself up that ground is hard and hurts when I fall on my face. I want holiness and I am seeking that anointing and that walk with God more than anything it means way more than any pat on the back from man.

I know that I can do nothing of myself or apart from God who gives me the ability and I would much rather speak one anointed word from the Holy Spirit than a whole mouthful of clever or intelligent words from myself. God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. I have had to learn through alot of hurt feelings and rejection that I cannot please everyone and that not everyone will like me and I that I will speak what God says to speak and will not fear man..God will sit before me just whoever needs to hear what he has for me to say and I do not have to make anything happen he has already gone before me and paved the way for me go.. His word is a lamp unto my feet that will lead and guide me to where I need to go and he will fill my mouth with what he wants to be said and his words never fall to the ground or produces emptiness. I am waiting on the GLORY! to rain down and his holiness poured out upon the earth..

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.