
Thursday, December 1, 2011

His Presence

Psalm 16:11
New American Standard Bible

You will make known to me the path of life;
         In Your presence is fullness of joy;
         In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.

I am not someone who uses big words I am a person who knows the sound of my father's heart. My husband use to tell me all the time "You are so spiritually minded you are no earthly good" and that is how I  want my life to be is a reflection of Jesus that people when they meet me or read anything I may write they will see the Lord in me. I am way past caring about any negative thoughts people may have all I want is to please my father and let my light shine brightly on that hill for all to see and not ashamed of WHOSE I AM!!

There is not a place on this earth that can ever compare to sitting in the presence of God.. I was in my secret place with the Lord one day and I thought of Enoch who God was so pleased with that one day Enoch went missing and the Bible says God took him how awesome to be so favored by God that he just kidnaps you. I was reading some things the other day of a Pastor who was heading a great revival and ended up in a divorce and scandal and I had to stop reading and go to pray because my heart was so grieved that a man could bring reproach on the Lord after he had given his church such favor pouring out a great move of God. I sat and just wept because of how Jesus must feel when these people fall. But as I thought about it the Lord poured out his blessings on THE PEOPLE he can use anything or anyone to relay his message if he can make a donkey speak he can use a few asses lol

Christians seems to forget that God knows the motives of our hearts, it is going to be so interesting to see everyone's rewards in heaven because the greatest rewards will be given to the very least of all these great ministries who think theirs is the greatest the grandmother sitting in her prayer closet will receive a tremendous reward because of her faithfulness to pray probably praying for these huge ministries lol In your presence is fullness of joy. "I Have Joy Unspeakable And Full Of Glory"


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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.