
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Today as many families are gathered together having dinner and fellowship enjoying the day of Thanksgiving. My heart is grieved knowing there are multitudes of alone and broken hearted people sitting alone in a room where no one knows they are or even cares. I can relate I know where they are coming from and my prayer everyday to God is to heal the broken hearted and fervently ask him to send them love if if he has to send his angels..His words says that

King James
He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds.

We all face a broken heart at some point in our life either from a pet who dies or the death of parents grand parents and spouses. Or when a spouse walks away from the marriage that is devastating in its self. Whatever the reason is that we face broken hearts Jesus is our healer and our deliverer he said in his word "Cast your cares onto him because he cares for you"

New International Version
and provide for those who grieve in Zion--to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.

He Will provide us all these things how loving is HE? Jesus does not like to see unhappy Christians. I love watching people get free nothing more exciting than seeing them Put on that garment of praise and praise their way to freedom. The anointing breaks any yoke of bondage.Makes you do your HAPPY dance! I have always had a burden for people who are bound and broken hearted the church has overlooked them for so long They sit back waiting for someone to notice that they even exist and OFTEN leave that service the same way they came.

My prayer has been God raise up anointed men and women with the anointing to set the captives free and to have the discernment to know when someone is is hurting and in despair. As good as getting people saved preachers are wanting to win a million souls to Jesus but over look  the hurting and the ones who are falling away due to the lack of bringing deliverance and wholeness to their lives.Sadly I attended a church who would get people saved and they would come into the church and the body would love on them and fellowship with them and then one day no one would say a word to them and sadly they all left the church and that church never grows it fills then spills a repeated cycle over and over but to the Pastor it is never the flocks fault always something wrong with whoever left.

No one likes to be alone and I serve an awesome God who promises he will never leave me nor forsake me. And when I am forsaken he will pick me up!!

Years ago while sitting in church my Pastor was beginning his sermon and all of a sudden a pain hit my heart that was so painful I gasped and grabbed my chest scaring my husband it had been the worst pain I had ever felt I was thinking this is it at least I will fall over dead in church I literally thought I was having a heart attack and then The Lord spoke and told me to speak out that a woman was carrying a heavy burden and that he was going to set her free. So I spoke it out quickly interrupting the pastor so my chest would stop hurting as soon as I spoke it this woman let out the most heart wrenching cries that filled that church she wept as if her heart was breaking. She and her husband headed down the aisle towards my pastor and just dove into the altar. After a time of ministry The woman had just lost her 2 week old baby to crib death. and she was in despair and God had let me feel her pain. Our God is so loving and merciful he stopped church just to minister to that woman. We need to get back to the heart of God showing the world his mercy and love that he shows to us his children.


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