
Saturday, November 26, 2011

I was doing some reading over the Internet the past few days looking at a website of a woman who calls herself a prophet. At first glance she looks strong in the Lord maybe she is but something is just off and I know to follow discernment being weary of a ministry or someone who calls themselves a prophet or even pastor is a wise way to be at least until God proves their office to me.

Matthew 7:15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

I am so old school I always believed if God called you then he would supply whatever need you would have. It is called  "FAITH" as I Looked at this woman's websites she has many every thing she was saying would cost you money she has a prophetic school but there are several of those around and then again I ask why would I have to pay large amounts of money to go to school to learn how to hear from GOD? It is absurd that people buy into this nonsense and spend money to get a PROPHECY Hello people  GO TO Church... Be apart of a body that moves in the gifts of the spirit and let your Pastor speak words into your life. Alot of these so called prophets are moving with familiar spirits that is not from God but satan

If you pay close attention these people they are lifting up their own selves not Jesus and for myself I tell everyone NEVER let just anyone lay hands on you and pray for you because you transfer whatever is in that person to yourself and they could be operating by a evil spirit.yes the devil goes to church and is very good at concealing him self and the most rampant spirit loosed in our churches today is a Jezebel Spirit and it is sent for a purpose to take over and control the Pastor and church at large it moves in lust I have witnessed a few in my time Thank God for true praying Pastor's who see her coming a unlearned Pastor or one who does not spend time in prayer or the word will be an excellent target ministries are destroyed by this spirit..

I have learned to listen to that inner alarm inside of us all if it just does not feel right or feels strange then it probably is off and stay away from ministries that sound to good to be true that are promoting their own self and selling GOD... He will repay them in his time he is so merciful he gives us all the space in which to repent and if we refuse then he judges us. God has answered every question I have ever asked him sometimes it took awhile but he always answers. ASK HIM!


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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.