
Monday, November 14, 2011

Proverbs 31:10
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

I was reading Proverbs 31 and as I lay in my bed I began to think about when my late husband and I first met and our courtship we had dated 2 years before we got married I was sixteen and he had been seventeen. He came from a heritage of preachers and his dad had been a pastor at that time. My family were heathen and I grew up in a battlefield and my home was filled with alcohol  and mayhem. I was captivated by all the love in his home it was the most awesome feeling and the presence of God filled that home.

Our first date was going to his church because it was youth night and my husband was the speaker that night. I was smitten he had preached about how people judged you by your appearance and had worn a very dirty looking shirt to add drama he had did such a good job I gave my heart to the Lord that night my future husband led me to Jesus!! That man could talk to people for hours after just meeting them for the first time he never met a stranger.

We had difficult years just like alot of couples but God kept us together through the hard places and the last twenty five years of our marriage was AWESOME and our home filled with that same presence of God I had felt in his parents home. I was a good wife and as I thought about the last four years since his death only now did I fully understand that  virtuous woman AFTER my husband had died.And I lay alone in my bed I thought funny Lord the revelation comes after he has died.

Proverbs 31:10
Who can find a virtuous woman?

The first part of verse 10 literally reads, "Who can find a woman of strength?"   The term "virtuous" is from a noun meaning strength, efficiency, ability.  Here it refers to strength of character, that is, moral strength and firmness.  

My husband often called me during the day while he worked to pray about something or for him if he felt bad he often said the Lord listens to you and that made me feel so good that he saw God in me.God answered alot of our prayers. I miss being married and having someone to care for..The Old Testament uses the expression of a virtuous woman in two other places.  In Ruth 3:11 it is used of Ruth.  Everyone in the city knew that she was a virtuous woman!  When a woman has strength of character (fears God, loves truth, hates sin), then others will take note and recognize this.  It will be very obvious because it is so unusual.  People are usually so morally weak and so anemic in character, that when a man or woman of strength shows up it is quite evident to all.   The other place the  term is used is in Proverbs 12:4 where we learn that a virtuous woman (lit--a woman of strength) does not make her husband ashamed she makes him proud he will boast about her to his friends..

Men are visual creatures they want what appeals to their eyes and younger women leaving us older ones who see what the younger ones are about we have already been there and done that so to speak. Young women care for the things of the world how they look that is their focus and the husband caters to them. Now the good ole boys will say NO to that but behind closed doors it is so..I have had to many women tell me away from  the husband that they get exactly what they want so did I, women use sex appeal to wheel and deal. Men and women will pray and ask God for a mate and he will answer their prayers but the man or woman does not meet their expectations or look ever how they want them to look so they will say NO to God's choice.

God does not see or judge us by what we look like he sees and judges our hearts..He is all knowing he knows our motives how we really are when no one is around. he has all wisdom and when he picks a mate for someone he knows just who the right one is for you.The one that will see your heart and understand you who will add depth and character to your life who adds to you never takes away from you.BUT they will probably be the total opposite of what you asked God for. I ask God all the time that when someone looks at me they will see him.

My thought is this if you are going to pray and ask God for a mate be willing to except who he sends you because he knows they will be the best for you. I just know when God answers your prayers he gives you the BEST answer there is and he knows their heart if he is not judging by appearance what gives us the right to judge? To me that "virtuous" woman has some age on her maybe a wrinkle here or there, there are a few young virtuous women as well my desire for my brothers and sisters in the Lord is that for the men they accept God's virtuous woman and women except your Boaz even if the package is a little weathered and cracked because they will be God's best!! Ask to borrow God's glasses to see what he sees For me I will accept only what the Lord has for me and will not even think of anything less than HIS best for me.

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.