
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I write in this blog only what God puts on my heart and to share my walk with the Lord and my experiences in ministry never going to debate or apologize for what I write some may not believe but in my walk with God he always proves what he sends forth.

I was reading an article by a seasoned intercessor and  I was like Jesus other people have been through the same things as me and I was glad lol. I have had to learn by trial and error I chuckled as he told young intercessor's about knowing what to speak forth that the Lord shared and when not to say anything. WHERE was this guy when I was beginning? My husband and I were at a Revival years ago and the Evangelist was on fire but rather obnoxious.

He led prayer told everyone to bow their heads and pray I was new in the Lord so I said my five-minute sincere prayer that was my ability at that time to pray. I looked up and he targeted me and yelled across the church what you looking up for you must not want to hear from God I was mortified I threw my head back down and was wounded. So when everyone was allowed to look up he told me to stand I was about in tears scared of what he might say or do. He goes The Lord says you are called to be a intercessor with dreams and visions. I graciously thanked him and then later asked my husband WHAT is an intercessor??

So begun my call in the Lord and I was taught of the Lord through a lot trials. So in this article the intercessor explains a lot of things in the spirit that I had to learn the hard way.  back in my home church there was a young couple who had 3 daughters young like stair steps the mother always looked stressed when at church so one day I was in my prayer closet and the Lord said Denna is gonna have a baby it will be a boy. I was so excited for her so next church day I go flying up to her and another sister and blurt out The Lord says you are gonna have a baby A BOY!! She looked at me with such contempt and says I do not receive that, I am not having anymore children. My heart dropped to my ankles and I whimpered away.

The devil was see you missed that one now who is gonna believe anything you say. She told her husband who in turn told our Pastor and he did not really say anything but he did not approve that I told them that. I felt so bad and did not say a lot after that I just wrote down what the Lord would say. One thing I should add here is that church folk seem to forget that God is a revealer of secrets and you can take it to the bank that he is telling someone what we trying to hide. He always gives room to repent but when we refuse the judgment comes and our sins are revealed look at these well-known ministers falling.

Well this young couple moved away back to their home town and like a year later or maybe longer My husband and walked into church and there they sat holding a brand new baby boy. And being me I had to say SEE THE LORD TOLD ME! and the husband goes yeah DO not say it again... God proved me that to my pastor and to this young couple. And I learned a valuable lesson know when to share what the Lord has said.

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.