
Monday, October 24, 2011

I was thinking back years ago to the days of when churches well MY church had services where everyone would stand and testify of all the good things the lord had done for them. They would TESTIFY and shout and dance it was awesome I was probably in my early twenties my oldest daughter was a infant and I was extremely shy so I missed out on alot of the testifying because before it got my turn to stand I would head for the nursery lol But my pastor soon caught on and one evening as I made my way out he called to me Sister before you head to take care of your baby tell us what the Lord has done for you. I was petrified and to this day I do not remember what I said.

I had this overwhelming fear of talking in public and knowing me all these years later who would have ever thought I would be a minister God truly is remarkable now you can't shut me up. Through the years I learned to fear God rather than man what man may think about me or my call means nothing to me only what the Lord thinks about me matters.what Christians fail to realize when we go before the throne of God to be judged and rewarded he will show us everything we did for him or what we did not do and that is frightening to me. I tell the Lord all the time I want to have rewards to lay at his feet showing him I did do something for him ever how small or great it may have been.

As I ponder all of the testifying meetings I sat through  it still amazes me just how wonderful The Lord is because every testimony and every need and situation my brothers and sisters faced God was never late he arrived right on meet their every need one testimony sticks with me until today. There was a Evangelist who ministered at the church a black man full of God and the Holy Spirit he had ten children and he told of one time not having any food to feed all those kids and no money to buy any. he said he fell to his knees calling on the only person who could help him JESUS! He told the Lord I have been faithful to go where you told me to go and preach and lift up your name Lord I have no money and all these hungry children..

The Lord spoke to him and told him to go to a local supermarket and get food the man said he doubted he heard right he asked the Lord how will I pay? The Lord replied GO!! The Evangelist argued for a day and was afraid to go but eventually went he said as he walked into the store he thought well if I am gonna get food then I am GONNA get food so he loaded two carts full to over flowing. he said as he walked to the check out the devil mocked and laughed at him the whole way and he was so scared but he kept walking and as he stood as the food was being rang up his heart was beating out of his chest and he was looking for the quickest exit. And as the last item was entered and the total rang to nearly $1000 a bell went off on the the register indicting him as the 10,000th customer he got all the food for FREE how awesome is God he knew he would be in the right place at the right time to receive his miracle.


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