
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Amazing Love

It seems like everyone is waiting for the Lord to answer a prayer and my prayer for each and everyone may they hold steadfast unmovable and unshakable. The key to that prayer being heard and answered is praying "If It Be Thy Will O Lord" When you are as impatient as I am it is even harder to wait on God. These past 3 months has been hard and there are times when I wonder if I will see my manifestation of the desire of my heart. I have found that resting in HIM and clinging to him makes the wait tolerable and I have gown so much more in these months.
John 15:12-13
12- This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13- Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

His love is so amazing and so perfect when I need him all I have to do is look up and he is there. What a friend I have in Jesus. He was willing to die for me and bear my sin and my shame and sickness on his own body. What a joy and comfort to know that his word says he will stick closer than a brother and walk with me to the end of the world. THANK YOU JESUS!!!
The other night as I sat in my secret place I asked him "Lord When You Look At Me What Do You See"? I wondered about that quite a lot but not anymore because a few days later as I was waking from a nap and was dreaming but cannot remember the dream but as I woke I saw a picture of myself and I loved it only because in it I looking up eyes closed the same smile on my face that comes only when I worship my Jesus. Ask Him to show you how he sees you but expect the truth.

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