
Monday, October 10, 2011

Early in my walk with the Lord I had such a hunger for the word of God to find out through his word who he was. But I soon became frustrated not understanding all the thees and thou’s and thine’s. I told the Lord you are gonna have to help me to understand the Bible because I do not have a clue to what it says. I continued to try and understand what I was reading. I had such an desire to know him. So one day I was cleaning and my Bible was on the foot stool where I had laid it after an attempt to read it. All morning as I cleaned and walked by it I had such an over whelming need to read it so I stoped cleaning and sat down in big over sized chair curled up and began to read and to read and to read.

Those pages had come to life before my eyes as I read it was as a movie was playing on the pages and it was alive. I could not lay it down we have such a loving God who will meet our every need. I would get all my house work finished very early in the morning got my husband and girls off to meet their day at work and at school and then I spent the entire day reading my Bible. One day as I picked up my Bible these words illuminated from the page “Lovest Thou Me”? Those words cut into my heart I sat down and cried for the longest time my Jesus asked me did I love him my reply was WITH ALL THAT I AM!! That question has been engraved in my heart if we place anyone before the Lord his word says we are not worthy of him.
I long for the day when I can kneel before him and cast my crown at his feet and tell him face to face just how much I love him and thank him for his MERCY and GRACE and LOVE…

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.