
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Broken Places

Psalm 51:17
  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
         A broken and a contrite heart—
         These, O God, You will not despise.

How many of us are really willing to let God just totally bend and break us? Handing him all our desires and hopes and dreams saying here father I totally surrender my life to you. To mold me into that vessel of honor place me on your potter’s wheel and spin and mold until my life is where you would have me to be. Being broken is not easy when you have to face all the pain and sorrows of your life, all the places that you went left when God said go right. But he promises to pick us up when we fall he is awesome like that.

I am reminded of the story of King David

 2 Samuel 12:16
 And the LORD struck the child that Uriah’s wife bore to David, and it became ill. David therefore pleaded with God for the child, and David fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground.

He had removed his King’s attire and lay prostrate on the ground pleading for the life of his child. He was so not worried about who saw him or what someone might have thought about him. He needed to get back on that wheel and be spun around a few more times because he had gone left when he knew to go right. David was special to God because he had a repentive heart and did not like to displease his God. Even after his child died he got up and praised God anyhow.

I hear so many people talking about wanting to be in God’s perfect will for their lives but yet they want to tell God just how to run it or how they want it and who they want in it.  God does not always give us what we want he gives us what we need just what or whom will make our life complete. I know that it is in those broken moments that I by faith believe that God is at work making all my crooked places straight working ALL things for MY good. “When I am weak then HE is STRONG”


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