
Saturday, October 8, 2011

After seeking God and knowing that I would be praying in the will of God, on July 1st 2011 I asked him for the desire of my heart...

Psalm 37:4-5

 4- Delight yourself also in the LORD,
         And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
 5- Commit your way to the LORD,
         Trust also in Him,
         And He shall bring it to pass.

The Bible instructs us that if we have anything against anyone or they should have anything against us we have to go and make things right ask for forgiveness and then only then can we lay our petition down before God and expect him to answer our prayer.I serve an awesome God it has now been three months since asking for my gift from God, when I have gotten a little weary or  satan tries to come against me with fear God has given me such peace his peace which surpasses all understanding.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

God moves in his time and in seasons I know I am looking forward to the new season that is on it's way for my life. I have been through a hard place a lonely place being totally stripped and broken before God. I have handed him me that is all I have to offer my praise and my worship for an awesome and mighty and powerful God who promises to never leave me nor forsake and will go with me until the end of world my life. How amazing is HE? A couple of days after asking him for my desire I was sitting and just meditating on his word and thanking and praising him for my answer right out of the blue. The Lord asked me showing me a these words written in clouds  in the sky that said "WILL YOU TARRY WITH ME"? I was caught off guard and I said to him YES I WILL Tarry With YOU..

And then the story of Peter and the others that Jesus had asked to tarry (wait) with him as he prayed in the garden came to me they had let the Lord down when he needed them the most and that pierced my heart so bad. and I have been waiting with him and when I start to get doubtful or think it is not gonna happen I go to my secret place where I know he is waiting and I praise him.till his peace floods over me, I picture us sitting together on a front porch in rocking chairs looking out over a beautiful mountain side just waiting on my desire... Just me and my Lord and my best friend Jesus..


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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.