
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Your Eyes

 I read so many blogs and see how beautifully they are written and to tell the truth I feel quite insecure about my own. But I feel that the Lord would have me write from my heart the word of God says " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" And all that is held in my heart is Jesus he has my whole heart I love my family very much but HE is first in my life...

There is a saying that there is a window to the soul and to me that is the eyes of God for he is the only one who really knows us and who we really are not who the world thinks we are or how we present ourselves. God knows the motives of our heart meaning why we do the things we do.. I use to think that I was a certain way having all that I needed a husband who loved me and provided well for me a home a family etc.. I was content but that was me looking through my eyes at myself and at my life.We look totally different through Gods eyes but it is his mercy and grace that sustains us.

July 5th 2011 sitting on the side of my mothers bed sobbing uncontrollably God almighty show me what I looked like through his eyes in a encounter with him I saw for the first time who I really was amidst brokenness and grief  the window to my soul was opened for a brief second and this is what I saw through Gods eyes I saw myself stripped of everything that I had loved and God speaks to tell me what he sees..

Revelation 3:17
 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

At that word I died no longer myself but Christ who dwells in me I died to the things of the flesh I no longer desire the things of this world I have what I need. I am closer to heaven every day and I will live there forever and nothing this world has to offer is worth losing my place there.Nothing wrong with having nice things or desiring them I just desire heaven seeing my Jesus face to face God moves in different ways than we do it is amazing at his logic the poorest person here is the richest person there how awesome is God?

I am not the shiniest apple on the cart  to me looking good means that I have had a shower and my hair is clean and I have on fresh underwear that is a good day!! Sooo if I look bad here well in heaven I am BEAUTIFUL HA!!!! Works for me I want Kingdom eyes

Father I ask for your eyes to see
your ears to hear and your mouth
to speak and your heart to love..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debra! Yes, you are beautiful! I am often just overwhelmed by other people's blogs. How do they think of this stuff? But God has something else for me to say, so I'd better just say that.

    Same with you! Just say what God wants you to say for him. You'll be fine :)


 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.