
Monday, July 1, 2013

Preach and They Will Come

When my late husband and I began our ministry back in early 2000 we rented an old storefront building and made it a church called “Tabernacle of Praise” we both had such a zeal for God and wanted to do a great work for The Lord. We fixed the church up to the best that we could financially giving God our very best. As believers we all have a work to do for God and we have a mandate to carry on the work of Jesus he even said we would do even greater works. We are to carry on what he commissioned each of us to do we find that commission in Mark.

Mark 16:15-18
15-And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16-He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17-And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18-They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover

We had been so eager to do these works and see souls saved and we were so thrilled to be used by God. Anyone who is in ministry knows that it is a work in progress God does not put us in ministry then send you 5,000 people he just does not work that way maybe rarely he would but it did not happen that way for us. But we thought as soon as the doors opened the people would over take the place advertised our church told everyone we met about it. Every service consisted us just our children and we had to force them to come but God is faithful he blessed us and met us there. Soon it was just my husband and I and we would have church he was a gifted teacher and knew the word of God.

We both tried not to be discouraged and trust God for the people every pastor knows what I am talking about ministry is a lonely place. One Sunday morning we were so discouraged and it was hard on my husband so to try and make him laugh I told him about being strong in the Lord and carry on his works to do what he told us to do. To preach to every creature and our church was in the country the town where we lived was a farming community so I threw open the back door to the church and our back yard was this huge cow pasture and it so happened that two cows were standing at the fence about 15 feet away looking at me. So I began to preach Repent ye sinners for the time is at hand and they stood and listened well the one on the left was distracted but I held revival in that cow pasture. One got saved and the other totally healed and set free from mad cow disease.
I cherish that memory so because my husband just howled with laughter. That small church was my best friend Jesus met us there every time we walked inside. As we are faithful with the small things then he will trust us with bigger things.

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