
Thursday, December 8, 2011

His Love

Romans 8:38-39

38- For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39- neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I woke up thinking about the love of God the AGAPE kind of love the perfect love. feeling unloved is the worst feeling anyone can feel or someone deliberately with holding love as a form of punishment. God's mercies become new each morning what am awesome God I serve! His word tells me that HE will fight for me and that he is touched by my infirmities or my weaknesses. he loves us so much that he feels our pain and wants to protect us just like our earthly parents do it is natural and God inspired

Being used in a prayer ministry it is hard sometimes when the Lord shows you something about someone you are praying for.A lot of times he shows the not so good things but he knows we all fall short of his glory. I was praying and just weeping before the Lord for this person who says that they have forgiven me for something I did but I just feel it is just a mouth thing and not a heart thing.But i choose to walk in love and extend a hand of love in Christ. It eats at me when a man or woman of God will stand and say I love my brothers and sisters in Christ but you know they don't me..That is lying basically to the Lord.

As I was weeping the Lord spoke and said "They will come to their end" that shocked me I asked are they gonna die? As I began to really pray and seek God for them the Lord began to show me that when a person comes to the end of themselves there is a time of brokenness will happen  the Lord shows us just how we look and what the true motives of our hearts are and reveals any secret sins.He gives us free will to follow his will for our lives or go with our own so many people say I want God's perfect will for my life BUT it has to be how they want it.and he will let you have your way but after he gives you want you want people always find out it was not what they wanted after all and wish they had followed his plan.Most smart people follow God's will and plan for their life..

My husband one time had a situation at work and he did not know how to deal with it and we prayed about it and one night the Lord gave me a dream in that dream my husband and I were riding bicycles down this long dirt road and we were lost. I saw a man walking up the road towards us and I then heard the Lord say turn right and head towards home and we were then at a cross roads my husband was asking the man for directions and I said NO the Lord said turn right and head towards home my husband shook his head no and said the man said go left. needless to say I went right towards home and my husband went left following that mans directions. And my husband chose the direction for his job and ended up being very displeased with the outcome and so funny he later said "If I had Not Listened To SO an So" The Lord was saying follow his direction and not man.. My husband learned a valuable lesson.

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