
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I love reading all the prophetic words for the new year they all seem to say the same things ever new year.Change, breakthrough, new job new house and Boaz. Nothing wrong with any of those looking forward for  couple of them myself.. But back in 2013 the Lord spoke to me about 2014 being  time of restoration and accountability coming back to his church..

He is raising up mothers and fathers who will take their places of authority to hold sons and daughters accountable to God. The church is messed up people doing their own thing and calling it a God thing.
God is all about everything being done decently and orderly church today is  like when I was in school and the teacher left the room and we all went crazy. but the moment the authority came back we all went back to being calm and quiet

Ministry doors will open to the called who have been in a season of waiting and who have been through the process. It is going to be a great year!


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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.