
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Following Jesus

Following Jesus

The most dangerous prayer someone can pray is to ask God to be used by him.. So many who desire to be used will never be used because they cannot die to self or pass the testing that comes with being used of God let me tell you being broken by God is no pleasant experience being stripped of everything but HE is all we need.. When I am weak then HE is strong in me.In all the brokenness and all the time I sit waiting gets frustrating but there is a reason and a lesson he is teaching me.Thus far I have learned to depend solely on HIM to provide what I need to survive how could I minister to someone if I myself have not experienced what they are going through?

Along my journey I tell Jesus daily "Where You Go Lord I Will Follow" And as I sat quiet before him he began to show me in  a vision where he was walking. I followed as he walked through the most desolate and dark places He was not walking through all the happy churchy people who think it is all about them and how happy the pastor makes them preaching what they want to hear and the biggest move of God in that church is when a grandma gets happy and shouts doing her happy dance the sad thing is she is the only one with any joy...

As I followed The Lord through these desolate barren darkness This scripture came to my mind..

 Isaiah 58:12
King James Bible
And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

He is looking for sons and daughters who will follow him into the darkness and restore and repair all that the devil has robbed and stolen and left peoples in need of a savoir.. I watched as he walked through villages where children sat naked and in filth who where so hungry they were digging up worms out of the earth and eating them my heart broke as I saw the look on their dirty faces I saw children filled with evil spirits who mocked as he walked by..MY GOD CHURCH WAKE UP!!
 You know the saddest thing is this..most mothers and fathers will say Thank You Lord that those are not my children but yet they love God? As I sat before him today I sat thinking about all the mothers who were sitting watching their children eat a big meal and smile as she watched them I loved to watch my kids and grandchildren eat it is just a good feeling knowing that they have food  to eat and it is well with them they have clothes and toys and go to the doctor when they are sick. My heart broke thinking of the mothers who sat today and watched as their babies and children took their last breath and died from sickness and hunger what horror to endure.. BUT Jesus is our HOPE this scripture came as I sobbed..

 Matthew 4:16
the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

Jesus said if he be lifted up he will draw all men unto himself.. I will follow Jesus to the ends of the earth and I will be a Mother to all he entrusts me with and I will shout from the roof tops that Jesus is Lord and my candlestick is set high on the hill for all to see

Lord Go start the car while I get my purse...

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.