
Monday, December 5, 2011

My Heart

I ask  the Lord over and over when is it gonna be enough? having been through the worst season of my life I am ready for the new BUT I guess he is still teaching me and spinning me on that wheel of his..I told him that I would TARRY with him and it is the hardest thing to do my flesh is impatient wanting it's desires and in a hurry.but God moves in SLOW making sure that he gives you the best he can give to you my good can never compare to his BEST!

The past couple of days have been hard to just deal and I look around at other people who's motives are clearly visible their only agenda is themselves that so grieves my heart and I know the Lord finds it hard to deal with as well.And I see the meaning in the word that says "Many are called but few are chosen" There are the people that do not have the anointing on their life but think they do and all they can offer when tested is to stand and mock the Christians who have that anointing and then The anointed ones stand and build up their own self make even blogs that promote them self and label it GOD.."As you have freely received freely give" and that does not mean make web pages devoted to yourself... People tend to forget that God sees the motives of our hearts and he knows if it is self seeking or seeking HIM..

I have a label across my heart that reads " Show Me Your Glory" I will take the back seat to anyone or any other minister all I want is to sit with my Jesus and be taught by him just as a small child my heart is so receptive and willing to pay the price to see HIS glory manifested in my life..I say to him all the time that I have no other agenda but to do his will and to be pleasing to him. I have desires of my heart that I have asked for and they will manifest in his timing and will bring HIM all the honor and glory.! It is all about him and nothing about me he just uses me to touch someone he wants to comfort or show his mercy and love too.Being used in a prayer ministry is over whelming at times and everyone has to learn to never give place to the devil through OFFENSES it is the bait of satan.

People will rip out your heart and hand it back to you.. Brothers and sisters in the Lord are the worst to hurt and wound you it is a fact that THE CHURCH kills our wounded... Reality check .... Man or woman of God as you stand preaching and teaching God's word and you stand and say HOW you love your brothers and sisters in the Lord but you refuse to show someone that same love > (((((HYPOCRITE))))) < And know this God will uncover you before everyone we are all naked and bare before him NO ONE is more loved by him than the next one. I refuse to get caught up in the stupid stuff that the devil has so many caught up in ME you can find me waiting on HIS Glory to be revealed in the earth and to my life.

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 The days are evil so we must dress appropriately in other words dress for success.